Review: Tongues of Serpents

Tongues of Serpents (Temeraire, #6)Tongues of Serpents by Naomi Novik
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Laurence and Temeraire are having even more crazy adventures in Tongues of Serpents. This time Laurence and Temeraire are in Australia, because they were exiled there after doing some naughty things in a previous book. Are their encounters fun and exciting? Yes. Are these adventures memorable? Not really. I enjoyed reading the book, but I cannot tell you all the specifics. As I get farther into the Temeraire series, I have noticed that the books focus more on how dragons are treated in different parts of the world than on Lawrence and Temeraire fighting in the Napoleonic Wars (which was what I expected after reading His Majesty's Dragon.

My first thought after reading this book was "poor Laurence." I feel that Laurence has grown as a character throughout the series and that is due to Temeraire. Temeraire forces Laurence to question some of his morals for the better sometimes. Other times, however, Temeraire doesn't think, and this gets Laurence into trouble. (view spoiler)[I felt so bad for Laurence at the end of this book, because it seemed like he just gave up. He has his lost money and his country, and he just doesn't want it back anymore. (hide spoiler)]

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