Book Review Policy

Please read entire review policy before submitting a request!
Blogging, reading, and reviewing are my hobbies. I choose to review books, because (1) I am a fan of the series/author; (2) the book caught my attention; or (3) I received a review request.

Genres I DO Review:
I mainly read and review Science Fiction & Fantasy, including Paranormal, Paranormal Romance, and Dystopians. I also read and review craft books, predominately knitting books.

Formats I DO accept:
Advanced Reader Copies, Finished Copies (Paperback/Hardback), and Mobi.

Published Reviews: 
My reviews will be posted on this blog and GoodReads. I also tweet about my reviews and typically tweet my reading progress. Please let me know if you'd like your review posted anywhere else such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and LibraryThing.

Additional Information:
I review all books fairly and for no compensation. I cannot promise you a good review, only an honest review. If I accept your book for review, this does NOT guarantee that it will be reviewed on my blog. This may happen, if I do not feel that the book is a good fit for the blog.

Preference will be given to books received at least 21 days prior to their release date and, beyond that, I will review books in the order they were received. Reading and blogging are my hobbies, so I will do my best to review all books received in a timely manner.

When submitting a request please include:
Please complete the Book Review Request Form. If I accept your book review request, I will contact you about getting the book.

I respect the books I receive for review and ARCs will never be sold. A paperback or hardback review copy will find a nice place on my bookshelf unless you specify you would like it to be given away as part of a contest or donated.

Contact Information:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at reviews AT readingisfunagain DOT com. I do not take review requests via social media or email. All review requests must be done through the Book Review Request Form.

*Disclaimer: All reviews or topic discussions are my own opinion, unless otherwise specified. I do not get compensated for doing this. I do receive books from authors and publishers in return for honest reviews. Getting a book from an author or publisher does not affect my review in any way.

*This is an ad-free site. 

FTC Disclaimer: In accordance with the new FTC Guidelines for blogging and endorsements, Reading Is Fun Again would like you to know that while I do purchase my own books for review, you can assume that many books reviewed here were sent to me by the publisher or author. Receiving a book from a publisher or author in no way guarantees a review, and I will always give my honest opinion about a book. 

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