Sunday Update

What a crazy weekend! My husband and I are moving soon, so we have been busy packing. Sadly, this means less time for reading. Soon we won't have a television though, so I am guessing I will have more time for reading.


A Good Birth - 66% completed - This is an interesting book. I am enjoying reading the snippets of interviews and how certain themes show up across the interviews. I wish the author had connected her interview project to other sociological projects though. I am also pretty terrified about the prospect of having children now.

A Storm of Swords - 85% completed - This week has been a bit tough for Storm of Swords, the story had slowed down a bit. However, the story has been picking up recently. I am now up to Tyrion last chapter, and things are about to get good. I must admit I love getting to the farewell chapter for each character. Most of the time something dramatic happens.

Storm Riders - 22% completed - I have not touched this book in the last week. This is going to be a problem. I know.

Ringworld - 50% completed - I was supposed to finish this book this weekend. That did not happen. I am not really enjoying this book, and I hate Louis with a passion. Seriously, I think he is an awful person. He is so arrogant.

Escaping Reality - 4% completed - This is a book that I was asked to review. I just started it, but it is going to be a fast read. You are thrown into the action on the first page. It feels like it it going to be a bit silly but lots of fun.

Social Media Metrics for Dummies - I haven't started this book yet. It was a GoodReads First Reads giveaway book. It looks like it will be super useful.

Fun! Entertainment! Randomness!

Amazon is having a huge e-book sale with 503 books on sale. Also, a word of advice: if you can, go electronic for your books. As someone who just packed up several hundred books, e-books weigh a lot less than physical books. I almost solely buy e-books; however, I keep buying physical copies of my knitting books. I almost starting to think I just need to buy a tablet and be done with it.

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