Welcome to my edition of the Caffeinated Book Reviewer's Sunday Post meme. Check out what I have been doing this week (and will do next week).
You guys, I bought a Rainbow Loom, and it is amazing. You use little rubber bands to make bracelets and other small accessories. I received enough emails from Michael's advertising the product that I finally picked one up. For $15, you get everything you need to make a stack of bracelets. There are a ton of YouTube videos to help you out. I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the product.
I know that I promised to give you good news this week, and good news is what you shall receive. I applied for a job about two weeks ago, and I had an interview last week. It went well, and I have a second interview this week. My CV and the job requirements match up quite well, so I'm hoping that they hire me. I'm really excited about this job, because I didn't think I would find something that fit my research interests so well.
Last Week on the Blog
Sunday: Sunday Update - 3/23
Tuesday: TTT: Bookish Bucket List
Thursday: Thoughtful Thursday: DNF-ing Books
This Week on the Blog
Sunday: Sunday Update - 3/30
Monday: Pride & Prejudice Links & Reminder
Tuesday: TTT: Gateway Authors on My Reading Journey
Wednesday: March Update & March Readathon Wrap Up
Thursday: Thoughtful Thursday: Do You Need to Like the Protagonist?
Friday: Cinder by Marissa Meyer
Book Haul
I got no new books this week. Nothing was calling to me. Well, that isn't true. There were a few books that were announced this week that sound book, but I can't read them yet. In particular, Patrick Rothfuss has a new novella coming out in November.
Currently Reading
Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson: I am almost done with this book. Stuff is happening with Kaladin and Shallan, and I am really worried that bad stuff is going to happen to them. With a ten book series, these characters could have some serious setbacks, and I don't want to watch! I know that sounds lame, but this is how I roll. My husband finds it hilarious to watch television with me. When a character is going to do something embarrassing, I will cover my eyes to avoid seeing it.
Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson: I am almost done with this book. Stuff is happening with Kaladin and Shallan, and I am really worried that bad stuff is going to happen to them. With a ten book series, these characters could have some serious setbacks, and I don't want to watch! I know that sounds lame, but this is how I roll. My husband finds it hilarious to watch television with me. When a character is going to do something embarrassing, I will cover my eyes to avoid seeing it.
A Dance with Dragons by George RR Martin: I am actually reading this book again. I read a character POV here and there. I think once stuff starts happening, I will get more interested in reading it. Right now, not too much is happening, so I don't feel inspired to keep reading it. It is almost like reading lots of short stories.