It is time for Thoughtful Thursday and the bookish questions that pop up while I am reading. Please share your thoughts on the bookish question of the week. I am curious to hear what you have to say! There are no wrong answers. Questions about Thoughtful Thursday or future Thoughtful Thursday posts? Check out my Thoughtful Thursday section. Alright, on to the question!
Who is one of your favorite protagonists of all time?
If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know who I am going to say. This is a protagonist who I discovered when I was in elementary or middle school, and she still holds a special place in my heart. One of my favorite protagonists is Princess Cimorene from The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C Wrede. Cimorene appeared at the perfect time in my life. I desperately needed to read a book with a strong female protagonist. Cimorene is beautiful, brave, smart (both academically and street smarts), and is quick with the perfect retort. Sure, Cimorene isn't the most well-balanced character. She is a bit impatient and has a short temper, but overall she has very few flaws. If I read the series for the first time right now, I am sure that I would find lots to criticize. However, because I read the series for the first time when I was young, nostalgia wins out. When I reread The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, I don't care that the characters are perfect. The reason is most likely that when I was little, I wanted to be Cimorene and I wanted her friends to be my friends. I didn't want to hang out with flawed, real characters. I wanted to live in a perfect world, Wrede gave me that with her books.
Now it is your turn! Who is one of your favorite protagonists?