TTT: Top Ten Books I'd Give To Readers Who Have Never Read Graphic Novels

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday! Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week bloggers post a top ten list related to a specific theme. This week's theme is Top Ten Books I'd Give To Readers Who Have Never Read Graphic Novels. All links lead to GoodReads. 

This is a fantastic family saga set in a SF world.

If you like zombie stories and grew up with Archie, you need to read this comic. It is amazing.

Do you like fairy tale retellings? You need to read Fables.

I haven't finished Y yet, but I am definitely enjoying the series so far. If you are looking for a comic with lots of different and interesting women, Y is your book. In this universe, all men drop dead except for one guy and is pet monkey.

Do you play RPG games? Rat Queens is your book.

This is a crazy, quirky tale about people with supernatural food talents. It is totally wacky.

Do you like depressing zombie tales? The Walking Dead is perfect you.

Do you like slice of life books that are about different cultures? Persepolis is for you.

Do you want to know what superheroes do on their days off? Hawkeye is your book.

Did you grow up with Sailor Moon? You should totally read the manga. It is only 12 tiny volumes (manga volumes are small).

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