Title: Night of Cake & Puppets
Author: Laini Taylor
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: November 2013
Length: 89 pages
Series: Daughter of Smoke & Bone (#2.5)
Audio or Book: Book
Reason for Discovery:
From GoodReads:
In Night of Cake & Puppets, Taylor brings to life a night only hinted at in the Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy—the magical first date of fan-favorites Zuzana and Mik. Told in alternating perspectives, it’s the perfect love story for fans of the series and new readers alike. Petite though she may be, Zuzana is not known for timidity. Her best friend, Karou, calls her “rabid fairy,” her “voodoo eyes” are said to freeze blood, and even her older brother fears her wrath. But when it comes to the simple matter of talking to Mik, or “Violin Boy,” her courage deserts her. Now, enough is enough. Zuzana is determined to meet him, and she has a fistful of magic and a plan. It’s a wonderfully elaborate treasure hunt of a plan that will take Mik all over Prague on a cold winter’s night before finally leading him to the treasure: herself! Violin Boy’s not going to know what hit him.
Night of Cake & Puppets is the story of Zuzana and Mik's first date. Although this novella is listed as book 2.5, this story takes place between Daughter of Smoke & Bone and Days of Blood & Starlight.
You guys! *hands flailing* This novella is ADORABLE. I smiled so much while reading this book that my face hurt later. I find Karou to be an interesting character, but I do not like Akiva, so I am usually bored when I read their romantic-y scenes. Zuzana and Mik are a horse of a different color. I love them so much. They are so cute, and I didn't want this story to end. I've noticed that I don't get all fangirl about a lot of male characters in books; however, I love Mik so much. He and Zuzana are just wonderful.
This novella has gotten me so excited for Dreams of Gods & Monsters. I am interested in finding out what happens with the chimera, but more than that I want to know what happens to Zuzana and Mik! This novella is a fantastic addition to the Daughter of Smoke & Bone series, especially for the Zuzana and Mik fans.
I give this book a 5 out of 5.
Excellent |