Welcome to my edition of the Caffeinated Book Reviewer's Sunday Post meme and Tynga's Reviews' Stacking the Shelves meme. Check out what I have been doing this week (and will do next week) and my book haul.
I must admit that I am glad that this week is over. It was a bit too much for me. There were some good things like I got a job (hurray!) and some bad things like getting sick (boo!). I am over the cold now, which is great. I had all these grand plans to catch up on commenting, but then I spent most of the week sleeping or in a Sudafed fog. This week will be a better blogging week. :) I am also happy that I am gainfully employed. I will share some details once things are more settled. School stuff is also moving in the right direction. That can of worms is so wormy that I am not going to say more than that until it is actually done. There is too much three steps forward, two steps back to say more than that.
Did you see that I finished A Dance with Dragons?!?! I am so excited that I am done, now I can watch A Game of Thrones and only worry about spoilers for books 6 and 7 (and not 5) now. :) I understand why HBO is showing scenes from future books (assuming that is what is actually happening) but it is also frustrating. George RR Martin needs to write like the wind!
I seem to be in a SF mood, since I finished A Dance with Dragons and Words of Radiance. The idea of reading another epic fantasy is just too much for me right now! I do have two fantasy books that I need to review, but I am going to give myself at least one more week of SF, before I return to the lands of castles and magic.
Last Week on the Blog
Sunday: Sunday Update - 4/27
Monday: Beyond the Rift by Peter Watts
Thursday: Thoughtful Thursday: Book Covers
Friday: April Update
This Week on the Blog
Sunday: Sunday Update - 5/4
Monday: The Oversight by Charlie Fletcher: Review
Tuesday: TTT: Top Ten Books I'd Frame as Pieces of Art
Wednesday: Deadline by Mira Grant: Audio Book Review
Thursday: Thoughtful Thursday: Secondary Characters that Make the Series
Friday: The Martian by Andy Weir: Audio Book Review
Book Haul
Because I am gainfully employed again (hurray!), I renewed my Audible subscription. I picked up a few cheap audio books along with my one credit to get a little extra money on Audible (there was a deal in April). I picked up The Martian by Andy Weir, Shift by Hugh Howey, Mansfield Park by Jane Austen, and Blackout by Mira Grant.
Currently Reading
Abaddon's Gate by James SA Corey: The next book in The Expanse series comes out in June, so I need to read book 3!
Read This Week
A Dance with Dragons by GRR Martin
How to Tell Toledo from the Night Sky by Lydia Netzer
The Martian by Andy Weir