Great Little Gifts to Knit: 30 Quick and Colorful Patterns by Jean Moss
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This book was generously donated by The Taunton Press, Inc. for review.
First Impressions: Do you have friends, family members, co-workers, acquaintances, or random strangers that you need to knit presents for? Well this book is perfect for you. This book has 30 projects for babies/little ones, women, men, and the home. An extra bonus is that the presents are unique (e.g., beaded wristlets and a dog jacket) but simple (most of these projects are easy enough for an advanced beginner). Another extra bonus is that most of these projects are ones that I would actually knit for people (e.g., mittens, hats, and baby booties). I really hate it when gift books are predominately filled with items that are interesting when opened but quickly forgotten.
The Details: As stated earlier, this book has 30 projects for babies/little ones, women, men, and the home. Rowan yarns are used for the projects, but the author encourages knitters to use whatever yarns that are handy and/or affordable. There is a section in the back of the book that reviews special techniques that are used in the book. I find this helpful for when I don't want to dig out one of my knitting technique books. Of note, although the babies/little ones, men, and home sections all have about the same number of patterns, the women's section is double the number of patterns. Although this is not surprising, it is a bit frustrating, because I don't typically have a problem with finding women's patterns.
Final Impressions: This is a great book of knitting patterns for advanced beginners. There is a good amount of variety in the patterns for all the different people in your life that needed knitted presents.
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