Knit Christmas Stockings, 2nd Edition by Gwen Steege
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book was generously donated by Storey Publishing for review.
First Impressions: It is my favorite Christmas stocking book but updated! I own the first edition of this book, and I love it so much. I try to knit a Christmas stocking every year. Ooooh! The patterns have all been reknit with new yarns! Oooooh! The book looks so much more grownup too!
The Details: This book contains 19 patterns. Storey Publishing has updated the yarns for the new release and has reknit the stockings with the new yarns. I really love that the publishing company updated the yarns with the new edition. This shows that the publishing company cares about the product and isn't just looking for a quick dollar. All of the patterns are the same from the first edition of the book except for one. The Furry Felts stocking has been replaced with the sleeker Reindeer and Bells stocking. The book itself also looks much sleeker than the original book. Now the book is in the shape of a rectangle instead of a stocking. The patterns are not in colorful boxes anymore. This knitting book blends in with your other knitting books. In short, it looks more grownup. The book retains its opening chapter on how to knit stockings and the anatomy of socks.
Final Impressions: I love this book. There is a ton of variety of Christmas stockings in this book. You will not get bored knitting the stockings in this book. I am super happy that the yarns were updated and that the patterns look less busy (no super colorful boxes breaking up the patterns).
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