Wednesday Update!

It has been a busy couple of days. My husband's birthday was yesterday, so we went out to dinner. Because it was a work day, we didn't have too much time to celebrate. This weekend we are going to have friends over and play some board games.


I can't believe it. I am currently reading zero books. I finished up a review on the last book that I was reading a few minutes ago. This doesn't mean that I have run out of books to read though. I just received Battle Magic by Tamora Pierce in the mail yesterday (GoodReads First Reads giveaway). I also have Helen and Troy's Epic Road QuestThe Path to the Sun, and a book of fairy tales to review. Hmmm, four books sounds like a lot. I better get reading!

Fun! Entertainment! Randomness!

Need writing prompts? Geek & Sundry Vlogs on YouTube has got some great videos on writing and literature. Check out Nika Harper's vlog on writing!

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