Lullaby Knits: Over 20 Knitting Patterns for 0-2 Year Olds by Vibe Ulrik Sondergaard
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This review copy was generously donated by Anova Books.
First Impressions: Oooh! A knitting book with baby patterns! Everything is so cute and tiny! Ooooh, the patterns aren't pages and pages long; I could actually knit these items. There is no colorwork and limited finishing required (i.e., sewing buttons). This could be promising. Look! These patterns can be used for boys and girls!
The Details: According to the book, there are "over 20 knitting patterns for 0-2 year olds." There are 7 sweaters (the Slip Stitch Sweater is cute), 7 cardigans and jackets (I love the Wide Collar Jacket), 3 vests (the vests are cute, but I am not a vest person), 6 accessories including a lace scarf for mom (the Little Dolphin Sleeping Bag is adorable...it is a mermaid tale for your baby!).
The patterns are written in metric, but there is conversion information for needles, weights, and lengths. Also, although the patterns are cable and lace heavy, there are no charts. This doesn't bother me, because I am not a chart person (heresy, I know); however, I know this is a deal breaker for some. Almost all of the patterns have a good picture of the front of the finished product (either the item flat or on a child with a clear view). Now, not all of the patterns have this (Wide Collar Jacket, I am looking at you); however, this book does a better job than other pattern books. Finally, the items are knit in Debbie Bliss, Malabrigo, MillaMia, and Rowan.
Knitter Level: Although the book is cable and lace heavy, I feel that an advanced beginner could knit these items. The designs are super simple (e.g., knit 2 sleeves, 1 front, and 1 back).
Final Thoughts: This is a cute baby pattern book with a lot of variety in types of items. The book really focuses on cables and lace, so if these are not your bag, this book won't be to your liking. At the same time, there is no colorwork and there is limited finishing required once you sew up the pieces (e.g., no sewing buttons), so many of these patterns may be the next for a newer knitter.
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