Review: The Writer's Legal Guide: An Authors Guild Desk Reference

The Writer's Legal Guide: An Authors Guild Desk Reference
The Writer's Legal Guide: An Authors Guild Desk Reference by Tad Crawford

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received this book through the GoodReads First Reads giveaway.

Before I review this book, I should say that I am not a professional and nowhere near publishing a book. For this reason, I cannot speak to whether the information is correct. Of course, with books that discuss legal matters, it is always a good idea to check out sources too (laws have a habit of changing). The book discusses a variety of important topics for writers including ebooks, copyright, and taxes; however, because the book is less than 350 pages and not a massive tome, he does not go into substantial detail on each subject (again, a good reason to check other sources). One last thing to know is that the book is a bit dense (lots of law to squeeze into a short book!). Overall, this is a great go to book for writers who need some legal help.

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