The Wonderfully Wicked Read-A-Thon is a time when we all get together to dedicate the days of October 11-20 to as much reading as possible. You read as much as you can in order to get yourself a little further through that huge to-read pile! We know real life gets in the way and even if you can’t participate more than one day, you’re welcome to join in on the fun!In the meanwhile, we will be hosting book-related challenges where you can win some awesome prizes and have a Twitter party at the hashtag #WWReadathon! You can posts updates on your blog, Twitter, Goodreads or Facebook — as long as the profile is public and we all can enjoy your reading progress!
I just completed my very first read-a-thon a few days ago, Fraterfest 2013, and I had a blast, so I am looking forward to WWR. I really like the community and camaraderie that comes with these read-a-thons. Reading becomes a group event with them! Okay, let's get down to business with my goals for WWR.
Book Goals
- Finish Battle Magic
- Finish Still Writing
- Read The Haunting of Hill House
- Read one other book
Non-Book Goals
- Attend at least one of the Twitter parties
- Complete all of the challenges
- Visit all of the participants' blogs and try to comment on all of them
OOOHH Man! I wanted to do this one but work is crazy! I am doing Dewey's 24 hour Read-A-Thon tomorrow and that will be it for awhile.
Good luck on your reading goals!!!
Yaya! Thanks for joining us for the WWRAT! Good luck on your goals and I hope you have a blast with us and meet some new friends :D
April @ My Shelf Confessions
I am impressed that you are doing the 24-hour read-a-thon. Just thinking about it stresses me out. :) I have work to do as well this week, so I decided to just set a few small goals for myself that way anything I get done beyond my goals is the cherry on top!
Thanks! These read-a-thons really help me make a plan about my reading and a move on with my TBR list.
I cannot wait to read your review of the Haunting at Hill House! Good luck Pamela!
Good luck with the readathon! I have too much on my plate right now for another one, but they sure are fun! I'll look forward to your reviews :-)
Thanks! The review will come out on Friday or next Monday (the 21st). I am posting the review as part of the Fortnight of Fright Read-a-Thon. I am just bouncing from one read-a-thon to the next this month!
I am doing one more read-a-thon after WWR, and I might have to take a bit of break. With all of the holidays coming up, I am guessing that my reading time is going to shrink.
Yes yes! twitter parrrrty!
I am so excited about it. I love discovering new people who share my same interests. :)
I love readathons! This one looks like fun. Hope you finish all your books!
Thanks! I must admit that these readathons are quite addictive.
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