My rating: 5 of 5 stars
First Impressions: There are so many different types of scarves in this book. They are so pretty and colorful. The yarns being used in the book won't break the budget!
The Details: This book contains 16 very different types of scarves. Techniques range from simple garter stitch and dropped stitches to cables and fair isle. Almost every single scarf showcases a different techniques, so the book grows with your knitting skill base. As a bonus, the book reviews almost every single technique you need to be able to do, so you can just take this book with you (and not ten extra technique books). Although there are a few stereotypical feminine scarves, most of them can be made for either a man or a woman (or a child). For most of the scarves, the designer also recommends different yarns to try, so you get different looks with the same pattern. The yarns are even knitted up using the pattern, so you can get idea of what the scarves would look like.
Final Impressions: This is a great book. I have made a few scarves from this book (Feather and Fan and A Touch of Fur), and they have turned out lovely. This is a great book to give to a beginner or to a more experienced knitter. There are so many techniques in this book that I guarantee you that your knitter probably hasn't made every single type of scarf in this book. As an added bonus, the book showcases a range of yarns for the scarves and then even suggests alternative yarns to try too.
This little book might look silly, because it is shaped like a scarf; however, it is one of my favorites. Unlike other pattern books that sell you on a lifestyle (yes, I want to live in a Rowan pattern book), this book has at least one (if not many) scarves that you can wear in your daily life. The designer also wrote patterns that you can follow easily, so you can start wearing that scarf in your daily life sooner rather than later.
Publication Date: 2004 (a re-release may be coming, because two books in this "series" have been re-released with new yarn recommendations)
I've always wanted to pick up knitting. I know how to do some basics, but never enough to make anything but a 1 color scarf or blanket (so straight lines only LOL). I love that this one actually shows you the techniques needed, that makes it much more appealing for someone like me.
It is a great little book. I taught myself to knit with Debbie Stoller's Stitch 'n Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook. I recommend this book to everyone (and I am not the only who does). Don't let the name fool you. The book is geared toward a 20-something crowd; however, the explanations are timeless and there are patterns in there for everyone.
Also, if you know how to knit and purl, you know how to do everything in the world of knitting. Seriously. Stitch names may sound complicated, but they are just knit or purl stitches.
My mother knits, but I am left handed and she could not teach me. This sounds good and my daughter is crafty and would enjoy it :)
Oh no! I am sorry that your mother had trouble teaching you to knit. Continental knitting might work better for you because you hold the yarn in your left hand. As I mentioned above, I taught myself to knit with the Debbie Stoller book; however, with today's technological advancement's I would recommend checking out YouTube. :)
Ooo - so I cheat with scarves and use a loom! Though I love making amigurumi toys and knitted toys also!
Hey Kimba! I'm left handed too! but most of us left handers are so much more ambidexterous than righties are. I didn't have a problem at all picking up knitting and crochet and I use my right hand as the dominant hand for both. But then I'm left handed but right hand dominant which is ....weird?
you should totally still give crochet a try instead of knitting if you have a problem with the knitting. Its way easier.
I definitely want to try my hand at a loom once my husband and I graduate from grad school and can afford a larger place. I want a loom, a spinning wheel, more yarn and fleece, and...
Hmmm, I better get a good job! :)
Oh yes! There are so many other great fiber arts out there! Crochet, weaving, spinning...
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