Weekly Book Haul
This has been a pretty quiet book week! I only got two books from the library: Legend by Marie Lu and The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken. I keep hearing good things about these two series, so I thought I would give them a look through.
Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie: Yep, I am still reading this book. Part of me wants to stop, but it is my book club's pick, so I feel a little more pressure to finish it. Also, I keep hearing how amazing it is. I keep thinking that if I read a little more, I will love it.
A Feast for Crows by GRR Martin: Although I am not keeping to the planned listening schedule, I am moving right along. I will probably be listening to several hours later in the week to get it down in time though! I am enjoying the book, but it doesn't seem like much is happening. I get the impression that we are just moving pieces on a chessboard.
Divergent by Veronica Roth: I finally decided to read this book. I am doing the audiobook, but I am thinking of switching to the physical book. The reader is very clear and I like her voice; however, she reads in a fairly monotone voice. I am not sure, if I am a bit bored with the story because of the story itself (maybe I am tired of post-apocalypse stories?) or because the reader seems a bit bored with the story (it is hard to get your blood rushing when the reader is a bit calm about the dangerous events happening).
A Touch of Temptation by Tara Pammi: This was a GoodReads giveaway book that I won. I am halfway done with the book, and I will probably be done with it sometime tonight (it is only 190 pages). It is a Harlequin Presents romance. I did not realize that the Presents series (Harlequin has different series of romances, so you can always find the type that you want) include the super alpha males, so this book is not my cup of tea when it comes to romances. The protagonists keep yelling at each other, and instead of thinking it is all romantic, I think that they need to learn communication skills. Luckily, the yelling/antagonistic part of the book is reaching its conclusion and the romantic-y bits are starting to happen now.
Read This Week
The X-Files: Season 10 #1 by Joe Harris and others
Jim Butcher's Dresden Files: Ghoul Goblin by Jim Butcher and others
Curtsies & Conspiracies by Gail Carriger
Clean Out Your E-Reader Challenge

I know that the Ho Ho Ho Read-a-Thon is over, but I want to thank Kimberly from the Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Jennifer from the Bawdy Book Blog for the $20 Amazon Gift Certificate! I also received some swag from the Twitter party!
Darkest Mind blew my mind, enjoy and ooh so glad you liked all of your goodies!
I love getting things in the mail and the goodies are fantastic. :) I have only heard good things about The Darkest Minds, so I am excited to start it!
I haven't read Marie Lu's series but several people have told me its really good, so I should look into it. A Feast for Crows is good at times but is the weakest in the series for me, it feels like after Storm of Swords he's expanding the cast and just bloating the story again. The next one is better but still kinda slow... still a great series... :)
AFFC definitely feels bloated to me too. I am surprised how slow the audio book is going, because it didn't take me too long to read SOS and it was a longer listen.
The final Marie Lu book just came out, so I thought this would be a good time to try the series out. I keep reading series that are incomplete. I am trying to read more series that are already done, so I don't have to wait years (e.g., ASOIAF) to complete it!
Your updates had me smiling, It was good for me to realise that I am not the only one who has 'bad book weeks'.
Congrats on your awesome goodies you got and wow.. a $20 gift card is awesome!
Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.
Book club reads have been a bit hit and miss for me. It's really hard when everyone looks at you expecting you to gush over their fave read and you're feeling decidedly 'meh' over it.
Congrats on winning the grand prize for the Ho-ho-ho Read-a-thon.
I really want to read Legend one of these days and The Darkest Minds is on my to-read list at some point too. Both look really good! That's awesome you won $20 gift card from the Ho Ho Ho Readathon! :D
I have had all sorts of book weeks over the years: Bad book weeks, good book weeks, and even overwhelming book weeks (those usually happened when I took too many literature courses in one semester in college)!
Thank you! It was such a surprise.
I keep hearing amazing things about Ancillary Justice and I have 2 hours left (according to my kindle), but I just can't bear to pick it up. I think it might end up a DNF.
I keep seeing people gush about these two books on youtube, so I decided that I need to give them a shot! :)
Yay for The Darkest Minds, that one blew me away when I read it. I can't wait to get to Never Fade to see where it's going. I still have to read Legend but I hope you enjoy it when you get to it. I'm loving AFFC. Almost halfway through and I'm liking how it's a bit different from the other books in the series.
Thanks for stopping by my Sunday Post this week :)
-Kimberly @ Turning the Pages
I have yet to read anything bad about The Darkest Minds. I need to finish AFFC, so I can get to my other books! The AFFC audio book is due at the library soon, so I am spending all of my time listening to it.
Yikes I need to read those two series as well - someday soon hopefully now that the Legend one is finished. Is the other I can't remember.
The Legend series is now complete. The Darkest Minds has 2/4 books published as of now.
I've wanted to read Divergent for a while - good to know about the audiobook, I'll be sure to grab it in eBook or from the library or something... bored narrators really don't help at all! I hope you end up enjoying it!
The reader got a bit better since this post, but she is definitely not my favorite. I would try listening to her on audible (on audible the samples are about 4 minute long) to see if she is to your liking. I am very picky with my readers. ;)
I am reading The Darkest Minds now, and I have to say that I am loving this book a lot more than Divergent!
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