The Ho Ho Ho Holiday Read-a-Thon ends today, and I had so much fun! I really enjoyed reading some Christmas stories that have been sitting on my kindle for several years! Caffeinated Book Reviews and Bawdy Book Blog (and all the elves) did a great job!
Book Goals
* I was able to complete my challenge of reading three books! I will post reviews soon.
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (free!)
Christmas without Holly by Nicola Yeager (free!)
White Christmas by Emma Lee-Potter ($2.99)
Non-Book Goals
* I am almost done visiting everyone's blogs for this read-a-thon. It was wonderful meeting so many new-to-me bloggers!
* I completed all but one of the challenges (it ended before I could get to it). They were so much fun. There were some tricky ones including a word scramble!
* There was a surprise Twitter party on Sunday night. It was a lot of fun. If you haven't participated in one of the Twitter parties before, I really recommend trying one out. It isn't like going to a party in high school with little cliques or anything. Everyone is just talking about the books that they are reading and responding to questions that the hosts usually ask to spur conversation (and to give out swag!). I use TweetChat (you can even use it on the browser of your phone) to follow the party. It is much easier and better than the Twitter app. Also, I won some prizes! I will post pictures when I get them!
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You know what! I got NOS4A2 and it has a "christmasland" in it ...but now the HO HO HO thon is over! *sigh*
LOL. That is right. I remember reading reviews about the book and that there was something about Christmas in it. :(
Congrats on meeting your goals and I am not even surprised you won some prizes! You are so lucky :)
Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.
Aww, thanks! I think it is less luck and more that I don't tell you about all of the giveaways that I lose! :)
He he he I know what you mean. You have to enter 20 to maybe win 2 :)
you did wonderful and I am so glad you had fun :)
Congrats on meeting your goals! I totally failed at the read-a-thon. I had such high hopes, but then life got in the way. I'm still reading my first book :( but I did do some of the challenges and sat in on like 20 minutes of the twitter party, which was fun. Hopefully I'll do better next year, assuming they do it again. I hope they do - I need a redo!
Thanks! I am so addicted to these readathons! :)
Thanks! You might have failed this read-a-thon, but if I recall, you are rocking (and hosting) COYER. :)
Congrats on the goals! This was a fun readathon and the challenges were good too (that word scramble was tough!).
The word scramble was really tough! I am glad that you had fun too! :)
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