Rachel @ Fiktshun and Reanna @ Phantasmic Reads are hosting the 2014 Review Pile Reading Challenge. To learn more about the challenge and to sign up, check out their challenge sign-up page.
Here are all the deets:
- The 2014 Review Pile Reading Challenge runs from January 1st until December 31st, 2014
- Sign-ups will remain open until December 31st, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific
- Grab one of the buttons to show off your participation! Parajunkee did a great job with them!
- You DO NOT have to have a blog to join this challenge. You just need to have some books received for review and a place online to review them
- Create a sign-up post announcing your intention to participate and link up below. If you do not have a blog, you can link up to your Goodreads profile that shows your 2014 Review Pile Reading Challenge shelf
- Please link back to the hosts in your sign-up posts
- This challenge is to help clear up books you’ve received for review. Any format, or any length, as long as you received the book specifically for review, is allowed.
- There will be a kick-off post on January 1, 2014 at both Fiktshun andPhantasmic Reads where you’ll be able to leave your links for any January reviews. (No 2013 reviews) At the beginning of every month, starting in February, these posts will alternate between both blogs.
- If you forgot to leave your review link in the challenge month in which you reviewed the book or the linky list closed before you had a chance to leave it, you can leave it in a future month. (No duplicates.)
- There will also be monthly giveaways – make sure you check in each month!
- Use the hashtag #RPRC2014 to share your progress and connect with other participants on Twitter
We’ve broken the challenge down into levels. You can move up, but cannot move down. Let everyone know in your signup post what you’re aiming for 
- 1-10: Apprentice
- 11-20: Journeyman
- 21-30: Master
- 31-40: Grand Master
- 40+: Adept
I'm doing this one, too! Happy reading!
Awesome! I am glad I am not the only one with a lot of review books to read! :)
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