know, I know! You are probably thinking that I have gone a little
challenge crazy. Well, this is the last annual read-a-thon that I am
doing, and it is an amazing one! Chené @ Mean Who You Are, Nicole @ Chicken Soup From a Book Worm's
Soul, and I are doing The Double Trouble -- Twin Reading Challenge!
What is the Double Trouble Challenge? I am glad you asked! The three of us went a bit over the top requesting ARCs, as book bloggers are apt to do, and our personal TBR piles took a back seat. Even though our TBR piles were not getting read, the piles have continued to grow.
What is the Double Trouble Challenge? I am glad you asked! The three of us went a bit over the top requesting ARCs, as book bloggers are apt to do, and our personal TBR piles took a back seat. Even though our TBR piles were not getting read, the piles have continued to grow.
As a rule this year we decided for every ARC or review book we read, we need to read a book off of our TBR piles too. Every month we will do a post updating our progress. If you want to join in the fun, link up below and use the graphic in your progress post, so that others can join in too!

Yay!! This is going to be a fun challenge and it ties in with a few of our other challenges :) Thank you for making the cute button pics! You're just too awesome *cheers*
Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.
Sounds like a good idea! Requesting so many ARCs does sometimes mean that books on my TBR get shoved aside haha. So many unread books on my shelf...
Good luck with it :D
I wasn't going to add another challenge. I wasn't! But I need this one. I'll be linking up in just minute.
I really like the sound of this one... I may have to do it! :)
Great challenge! I've been trying to not overdue the requesting of ARC so I can try to cut down my TBR list haha. Good luck!
So excited! I can tell we're gonna have tons of fun with this challenge :)))
Nicole (Chicken Soup From A Bookworm's Soul)
I really should sign up for this challenge but lord know's I'd never stick to it lol :) Good luck with it Pamela!
-Kimberly @ Turning the Pages
This is going to be so much fun! :)
Thanks! I am looking forward to having an excuse to read the books that I want to read. :)
Yea! Thanks for joining. :)
Excellent! The more the merrier! :)
Thanks! I am trying to be better about requesting ARCs this year too.
I agree! This is going to be a great challenge! :)
Thanks! This is going to be a hard challenge to stick to! :)
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