Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Things on My Reading Wishlist
Posted in Top Ten Tuesday on 12:00 AM by UnknownWelcome to Top Ten Tuesday! Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week bloggers post a top ten list related to a specific theme. This week's theme is Top Ten Things on My Reading Wishlist.
1. More Racial Diversity!
Do I really need to say more?
2. More LGBTQ Characters!
It would also be nice if there were more LGBTQ characters who weren't defined by being LGBTQ.
3. No Love Triangles!
I hate love triangles, because someone ends up sad. I would rather have a simmering romance that builds up over time between just two characters. None of this "who will she pick" nonsense.
4. More Non-Romantic Relationships between Male and Female Characters!
I do enjoy a little romance, but I get tired of protagonists getting paired up. I would like to see more books with the protagonists just being friends.
5. Fewer trilogies!
I am so tired of the epic trilogies. Why can't stories be explained in one book?
6. More long series!
I am tired of epic trilogies, but I miss the days of series like Goosebumps or Nancy Drew. I want more series that I can just pick up book #7 and I am not missing four years of back story.
7. More dragon books!
There are never enough dragon books.
8. More consistent publication dates for series!
GRR Martin! I am looking at you. I am okay with waiting for an author to complete the next book in a series; however, I do expect that there is going to be some sort of pattern in length of time between books. I hate having to wonder if the book is going to be out next year or in five years.
9.More thoughtful and awesome zombie books!
This is just a plea for Seanen McGuire/Mira Grant to write more zombie books for me. No one else need apply.
10. E-books that cost the same as the cheapest form of the book (e.g., hardcover, softback, paperback) or less.
I hate it when I can buy the paperback for $6 and the e-book is still $10.
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I love all your wishes.
1. I think this is one of the reasons why I really love Harry Potter.
2. Books with LGBT really makes reading more fun and challenging.
3. Hhahahaha. I just have a realization today. Why is that there a lot of love triangles concerning 1 girl and 2 boys? I think I would still read love triangles where there is one boy and 2 girls.
4. I know, right? If you want to read books like this, try Under The Never Sky series.
5. I actually have different notions about this. If the book is contemporary, I prefer to have them in standalones. If the book is dystopia, fantasy and the likes, I think I would really prefer a series.
6. Aw. I don't think I have enough energy to follow a very long series such as Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys.
7. Hahaha. I think you just have to populate your shelves with Fantasy books. I am sure that dragons have been overused in the said genre.
8. Just finished reading A Game Of Thrones the other day. And I am quite daunted by the fact that each sequel goes out every five years. I've read that the last and seventh book goes out in 2019. That's a long wait. It's lucky the George's publisher wasn't mad about the whole thing.
9. I am not really into zombie books so no comments here.
10. I know right? E-books are supposed to be cheaper because you're not using any paper and that you, already have invested in buying a reader. But nooo. I hope publishing companies would provide a valid explanation for this.
Your list is much for thorough than mine!! I think I need to go and add a few to my list... Great TTT!
Thanks for visiting my Top Ten Tuesday list!
Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.
Your list is awesome! We definitely need more of all of these. My favorite is #7, because you are absolutely right. Dragons need no reason.
I'm getting a bit sick of trilogies as well. Love triangles are irritating too! Great list. :-)
Wow, great choices! I completely agree with most of them and even have a few of the same (dragons). I really, really appreciate no. 3 though, there are WAY too many love triangles where there is no real need for them. 4 is also awesome (as are the rest ;) ). Great choices!
You know how Pixar has some very specific references hidden in all their movies? I think fantasy authors should have to do that with a dragon. If I don't see it, even in the background for a split second, it isn't fantasy. Hurrumph, Hurrumph.
I would like to see more stand alone books as well, Patricia McKillip proved to me that it can be done well.
Oh, yeah, I agree with all of your points! Awesome list :)
Great list! More diversity - check. Fewer triangles - check. More platonic friendships - check. Oh, heck, I'm in total agreement with all your points -- except #9. To paraphrase Indiana Jones, "Zombies. Why did it have to be... zombies?!" [shudders] My least favorite paranormal critters, bar none.
I love your list! I did mine really quickly and struggled with what to put. I wish I'd put more thought into it because more racial diversity would have made my list too, that's something that is definitely lacking in a lot of YA books. I would love to see fewer trilogies too, I hate the waiting!!! Lots of great choices :)
Also happy to see I wasn't the only person who struggled to think of things this week! My TTT :)
I am a bit over the triangles myself. I do have a few I enjoy but I have been staying away from them.
I want more dragons too :)
I want to read a book and just one book not wait for 2 more. I agree 100%
Love your list :)
Have a great week
Because reading is better than real life
Hey there! Long time. I feel like I haven't been by in years. Love your list and I agree with all of them. The love triangles are killing me. I never had/have that issue and now all the girls in every YA book are in the mist of a love triangle. REALLY!!! I would love to see a strong YA character that has to deal with life on her own without a man in the wings. Great post!
No more love triangle! Agree!
Also, yes to platonic girl-boy relations. (This is why you need to read Cinder, so you can read Scarlet, which has the best guy-girl no romance relationship, they're hilarious together!)
Also, yes to more dragons. Always. & less trilogies. I've really been enjoying standalones lately (: Great list!
Yes to #10 and most of the times triangles do not work, ooh and I like this duology trend and yes my favorite series are those that each contain a story and can be read as standalone.
Great list!! Viva la Zombies!!! lol I am so with you on wanting the longer series. I have never been a fan of series that end, plus the ending is usually just not ..... right! You get so emotionally invested in these characters and then they just take them away, totally unfair!
Excellent list, Pamela :) If you are looking for a very long series that you don't have to read in order, pick up The Dark Hunters - it's awesome - with a pretty dark world, some kind of weird vampires and hot men hunting them. There are some pretty cool heroines, too :)
I would love to read more stories where there are LGBT characters, but not have the book labeled LGBT! There have been some awesome ones where there have been some strong side characters that really appealed to me :)
Have a wonderful Wednesday :)
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
YES! I agree with this list so so much! 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7... All good points, especially triangles. OMG I hate those.
Happy reading!
I think most people complained about love triangles. Maybe the publishers will listen?
I will have to check out The Dark Hunters! I have a bad habit of reading series out of order, and I want a series that will work with me.
I love the phrase Viva la Zombies. I am going to have to use that in my daily speech. :)
I am so excited that there are more duologies coming out too. I have no patience, so I only have to wait for two books. :)
I know! #bookbloggerfail I need to read Cinder. I need to find time for this book.
I was just thinking the same about visiting your blog! I thought you were in my feed reader, but you were not! Mistake fixed. :)
LOL. I love your zombies comment. :)
Maybe it is because I was never involved in a love triangle, but I am tired of every YA protagonist having two boys in love with her.
This was a really hard TTT. Every time I visit TTT posts, I always think, "That was such a good pick! Why didn't I think of that?!"
Thanks! :)
I LOVE your idea of sneaking a dragon into all fantasy books! I think we should make that a thing.
Thanks! :) I was surprised how many people want dragons in their books.
Thanks! Love triangles are so 1992. ;)
LOL. Aren't dragons the best?! :)
I loved your TTT list! I really enjoyed how different everyone's TTT list for this week were.
I would love a love triangle with a bisexual character and one boy and one girl are in love with her/him.
#4. Yes, please! I've always had strong friendships with guys, but I rarely see it in fiction. (Kudos to Elementary and Sleepy Hollow on TV for doing it.) ...'Course, this makes me rethink two characters that I was writing...
I've always had strong relationships with guys too, so I am always surprised that I rarely see it in books. In the world of fiction, apparently guys and gals can't just be friends!
More long series, I miss those too, and more dragon books! A great list, but I especially agree with those. As for love triangles- yeah generally hate those too although one of my recent reads had an interesting take. Main character in a relationship with one girl and friends w/ the other, but things happen and the relationships change a bit. It was so nice to not have it be all angsty and mopey.
I am totally down with reading a book with an interesting love triangle. I am just like you though that I am tired of the angsty and mopey love triangles. Do these love triangles really happen as often in real life as they do in books?
Have you read Ilsa J. Bick's YA zombie series? I loved ASHES, the first book, especially, because it's more of a thoughtful zombie book than others I've read. Maybe give it a try!
GReat list - I agree with most of it for my own reading practices. Would love more GBLT, Zombie, less love triangles too. I havent read many dragon books at all, need to check out more fantasy. Long series are the best =)
I do love a long series that lets you jump into it at any point without too much confusion.
I haven't read this series yet! Thanks for the recommendation. I will check it out right now!
Excellent list! I, too, am shocked there aren't more series including racial diversity or LGBTQ characters; however, I'm torn on the whole love triangle thing. I think it's overdone, but it's interesting to see characters' motivations when they are in love. To add to your e-book comment, I wish we could purchase a bundle (paperback/hardcover and e-book) for times when traveling and don't want a pile of books to transport.
I would love to buy both the physical book and the e-book at the same time. Amazon is starting to do this, but it is still really new.
I totally agree about LGBTQ and Non romantic relationships! both are majorinly under representated in YA and I hope we can see more of them in the future! A perfect example is Under the Never Sky. I loved Aria and Roar's relationship. And I agree about the trilogies... kind of. I have a love/hate relationship with them. On one hand I love them but the other I'm like CAN WE JUST BE DONE! I think I might like duologies a bit better :)
Duologies are pretty fantastic (and there is a shorter wait)! :)
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